In the above white paper, we analyze the thermal...
Knowledge Center
CVD Graphene – Beyond the Hype
The History Behind the Graphene Hype Graphene and hype have gone hand in hand ever since its...
Defining the Application Development Roadmap of CVD Graphene
General Graphene explores the intricate steps involved in transitioning graphene from laboratory...
Graphene at the Nanoscale and Beyond
Despite being initially considered one material, graphene is actually a family of carbon-based...
General Graphene Corporation: Leveraging the Adaptability of Graphene
Gregory Erickson, Founder and CFO of General Graphene Corporation, explains the characteristics of...
Changing How We Think About Graphene
THOUGHT LEADERS Changing How We Think About Graphene with General Graphene Corp. Interview...
CVD Graphene Innovation to Commercialization
Gregory Erickson, who is the Founder and Chief Operating Officer of General Graphene Corporation,...
Low cost, industrial scale, high-quality CVD graphene production
Graphene, regarded as a “wonder material” since its discovery in 2004, has been kept in the lab...