The Development Process

We work together with leading companies across industries to define the optimum graphene solution, prototype the concept to collect data, and design the manufacturing of the product at an industrial scale.


Insight and collaboration are key when it comes to solution design with graphene. At this early stage, scientists, development engineers, and business teams come together to match all the product performance requirements and business needs, before moving to concept development and prototyping.  We call this Phase 0, and it is here that we define the problem.



In the Develop phase, graphene recipes and substrates are brought together as a prototype and tested in our advanced laboratories, at the customer and at external facilities, to gather critical performance data. The product data, costs, and production feasibility are assessed by the teams before moving to the industrial scale up of the prototype.  This is our Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the development process.


The process of scaling the product concept is the most costly and risky stage of product development. Here, all the pre-phase collaboration and learning is brought together and industrialized at the customer. We stay with you throughout this critical process, providing our expertise deliver the high-performing, scalable, and reliable product solutions that drive your business and portfolio value.

Every Challenge is an Opportunity

We believe in the power of graphene to enhance industrial product performance and drive portfolio value. We invite you to connect with our team and let’s explore the opportunities together.